The Leadership Team

The Quokka Leadership Team


She is a Computer Systems Engineer who spent her first years as a Business Process Analyst, identifying the links in a process, identifying issues or improvement opportunities and implementing improved practices.

Before joining Quokka, she spent the last several years using that experience coordinating a Help Desk team, attending work orders and dispatching personnel to customer sites, understanding first and foremost the needs of the customers and adapting the service accordingly.



Nearly all of Daniel’s 18-year career has been within the Purchasing and Logistics environment, and this means he has been, on many occasions, the Customer who demands the best from his suppliers, especially from his transportation partners. This experience has helped him to understand better the needs of a customer and act on them.

In addition to his Logistics experience, Daniel has academic and professional experience in Quality Management, which has resulted in making sure every process he has led is analyzed and improved upon using best practices and quality management tools.


Both Aranza and Daniel want to ensure you are successful in your business, and thus they will use the tools at their disposal to make it happen.

"We are Quokka and we ALL deliver."